Thursday, December 5, 2013

Moore's Garbage Law and the Soon to be Obsolete USB Connector

Did you hear there is going to be a faster USB coming out soon? It will have a nifty new plug. Now I will need to go out and buy all new peripherals. The USBIF has been taking lessons from Apple and Intel. It's called planned obsolescence. 

This is an example of Moore's law in action. 

Moore's law was a self serving prediction made by Intel's co-founder Gorden E Moore. His prediction was that the number of transistors or circuits, or the capacity of computing doubles every two years. Moore set the bar for the advancement of computer technology, and for the most part the computer industry has met that challenge. It has fueled the fast advancement in computer technology since the Apple II computer went on the market in 1977. It had a 1 MHz processor and 4 kb of memory. Today computers have 3GHz processors and 8GBs of memory.

There is a downside to all of this push in technological advancement: E Waste. If new computer capacity doubles every two years, that means within four years of buying a computer it becomes relatively obsolete, unless you can upgrade it. So what happens? It is thrown in the trash and replaced with a new computer.
"Rapid changes in technology, changes in media (tapes, software, MP3), falling prices, and planned obsolescence have resulted in a fast-growing surplus of electronic waste around the globe. Dave Kruch, CEO of Cash For Laptops, regards electronic waste as a "rapidly expanding" issue." An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste are produced each year.[1] (Sthiannopkao S, Wong MH. (2012) Handling e-waste in developed and developing countries: Initiatives, practices, and consequences. Sci Total Environ.)

Since 1995 USB standard plug has not changed. USB 3.0 and 2.0 fit into the original USB 1.0 slot. This has made USB the most widely used form of connecting peripherals like Harddrives, keyboards,  Mice, Phones etc to a computer. It has outlived Apple's firewire, and it could outlive Apple's new lightning if they just stuck to their standard. But by changing their connection they are taking away the one advantage they had, compatibility. The USB-IF should stick to their standard and show Apple that Planned Obsolescence will be Busisness Taboo.

Moore's law is the law of garbage. It is time to come up with a new law, a new standard for technology where connectors don't change every couple years, and when they are changed, they are backwards compatible, where new hardware is made backwards compatible and old hardware is supported for at least 8 years, and made to be upgradable.

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